This is the documentation website for Choreography and Cognition, a joint research project initiated by arts researcher Scott deLahunta and choreographer Wayne McGregor to engage practitioners from the field of cognitive science in seeking connections between creativity, choreography and the scientific study of movement and the mind.
- HOME → will bring you back to this page
- PHASE II → comprised several research sessions taking place from September 2003 to March 2004 and involved members of McGregor's company Random Dance and collaborating scientists from the Universities of Cambridge and Birmingham. Phase II was supported by the pilot arts and science Artist in Residence scheme jointly funded by the Arts Council England and the Arts and Humanities Research Board and hosted by the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge.
- ATAXIA → is a choreography by Wayne McGregor for Random Dance that premiered in June 2004 at Sadler's Wells Theatre, London. This work was influenced creatively by the PHASE II research.
- PAPERS → will provide access to miscellaneous drafts, presentations and published papers that are part of the output from PHASE II.
- REPORT → provides access to the text of the final report written for the Arts Council England and the Arts and Humanities Research Board following the completion of PHASE II.
- ON-LINE → is an innovative section where we are developing an on-line continuation of experiments that took place during PHASE II.
- IMAGES → one page with still image documentation from PHASE II (the same images you see on some of the other pages).
- NETWORK → is where you can find links related to this project, similar projects and any future projects.
Readibility and Accessibility: to resize the text use the larger Recognising this is a text-heavy website, we have tried to provide in as many cases as possible versions of the texts that you can easily download (and print). You can either download these by clicking on the links, or you may prefer to save them directly to your hard drive which can be quicker. Download Instructions: On a PC in Microsoft Windows this usually involves right-clicking on the link and selecting "save target as" or something similar. For the Macintosh, it usually means holding down the Control key, click on the link, then select "Download Link to Disk" or something similar from the menu. |
This site has been developed in collaboration with a unique new partnership between Liquid Press/ i-DAT (Plymouth University) and the Journal of Performance Research (Dartington College of Arts).
A special thanks to Kevin Mount from DeMo design for advise and support in helping design the site and to Matt Bilson for his invaluable work in developing the on-line section.
For further information, please email Scott deLahunta.
(*) Maintenance on this site is limited to adding new material. All links to external urls are only guaranteed up to 01/01/05.