These pages provide download access to miscellaneous drafts, presentations and papers that are part of the output from PHASE II. For a listing of all published papers and articles as of 10 November 2004 see Output of Research section in the REPORT
Scott deLahunta. "Choreography and Cognition: A joint research project". Art and Science: Proceedings of the XVIII Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics. Eds. João Pedro Fróis, Pedro Andrade & J. Frederico Marques. Lisbon: IAEA2004. September 2004. pp. 169-173.
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Scott deLahunta. "Separate Spaces: some cognitive dimensions of movement". Species of Spaces (a DIFFUSION eBook Series). London: Proboscis. 2004.
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Sanjoy Roy. "AtaXia". Contemporary. Issue 65. 2004, pp. 34-37. A review of the performance, but also contains substantive detail about the research collaboration.
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Kristen Hollands, Alan Wing & Andreas Daffertshofer. "Principal Components Analysis of Contemporary Dance Kinematics". Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE EMBSS UK &RI PostGraduate Conference in Biomedical Engineering & Medical Physics. University of Southampton, August 9-11, 2004.
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Kristen Hollands, Alan Wing & Andreas Daffertshofer. "Principal components in contemporary dance movements". Society for Neuroscience Conference. San Diego, USA, October 23-27, 2004.
Emma Crichton-Miller. "Dance and the Brain". Unpublished Draft, Autumn 2004.
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Scott deLahunta. "Intimate Contact". Transformes International Symposium. Centre National de la Danse. Paris. January 2005. This short paper focused on the dynamics of exchange and relations between the participants of Phase II. It included various illustrations and video clips interspersed throughout the talk.
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Catherine Hale. "The Science of Making Dances". Dance Gazette. Issue 2. 2004, pp. 16-19. (Royal Academy of Dance)
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Alan Blackwell, Scott deLahunta, Wayne McGregor and John Warwicker. "Transactables". Performance Research, On The Page Issue. Eds. Ric Allsopp and Kevin Mount. Vol. 9, No. 2., pp. 67-72.
Scott deLahunta & Philip Barnard, "What's in a Phrase?", in: Tanz im Kopf / Dance and Cognition, ed., Johannes Birringer & Josephine Fenger, Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung 15, Münster: LIT Verlag, 2005, pp. 253-66.
Scott deLahunta and Phil Barnard. "Densities of Agreement" (co-authored with Ian Nimmo-Smith, Jennifer Potts and Cristina Ramponi). to be published in: Dance Theatre Journal. 21:3. (autumn 2005).
Scott deLahunta, Phil Barnard and Wayne McGregor. "Augmenting Choreography: Insights and Inspiration from Science (draft version)". in: Choreography in Contexts: Critical Perspectives on Choreographic Practice. eds. Jo Butterworth and Liesbeth Wildschut. London: Routledge. (upcoming 2009).