Introduction   Objectives   Experiments   Summary [as of 31/05/04]

In preparation for Phase Two, three objectives were developed to establish the conditions out of which specific lines of enquiry or starting points could emerge.

  1. shared objective: to seek connections between choreographic processes and the study of movement and the brain/ mind that are scientifically and artistically interesting.
  2. artistic objective: to integrate the participation and contribution from the scientists into the fabric of the choreographic process while maintaining the integrity of the modes of looking and questioning pertaining to their respective research areas.
  3. scientific objective: to start to formulate specific questions and research methodologies that arise from the individual interests in this project in the context of the creative choreographic process.

On 7 and 8 November 2003, the research group met together in the Random Dance rehearsal studio in London to witness McGregor and his dancers work with some new exercises and scores to generate movement material. The schedule consisted of watching these making sessions in the morning and holding discussion sessions in the afternoon during which the scientists were invited to present responses and questions to what they had seen based on their individual areas of research.

The aim was to have some starting points for potential experiments by the end of the second day; for which two weeks in December and one week at the end of January had been set aside. At the same time, McGregor was working on the integration of some of their approaches and ways of seeing into his creative process.

Random Dance Photograph Random Dance Photograph Random Dance Photograph
From sessions in London. Click on images for larger photograph. Photo Credit: James Leach
Arts and Humanities Research Board